Friday, March 11, 2011

Solid Kids

“When I look into a kid’s eyes, I look at an opportunity to make a difference, to steer them … on the right path to success, on the path to knowing that they can accomplish anything they want.”
- Cynthia Cooper

Injury rates from children’s sport are approximately three injuries per one-hundred children per year, with serious injuries being less than  one per one-hundred per year. The incidence increases sharply at the age of 14 particularly amongst boys. Very few serious injuries occur to children less than 10 years of age. The more sport a child plays the more susceptible they are to injuries. Factors that will affect the likelihood of a child sustaining an injury are:

  1. Physical makeup of the child. The natural strength of our ligaments and soft tissues varies from person to person. Other factors such as body weight, posture and even hormonal factors can have an influence.
  2. In contact sports, the physical maturity of the child compared to their opponents.
  3. Degree of supervision
  4. Use of protective equipment
  5. The amount of adequate warm-up
  6. The amount of sport played
In the growing child, bone growth can consistently outperform muscle growth and problems may arise that require an understanding of these and other such growth factors
We will work closely with players, parents and coaches to ensure a safe and rapid return to play

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